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RealGROWTH Treatment Boosts Confidence for Young Salesman

November 1st, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Uncategorized

Scott*, 22 was only just at the start of his sales career, not a great time for him to be losing his hair. He needed to ooze confidence but the fact you could now see his scalp was bothering him. With his self-esteem affected it was time for Scott to seek help before it was too late.

At his initial Ashley and Martin appointment Scott told his consultant he had been losing his hair for the past two years. Recently the thinning had become quite significant and Scott was now concerned about the way his hair loss was changing his appearance.

Conducting a scalp examination the consultant could see the predominant loss of Scott’s hair had taken place on the frontal hair line and crown. With a strong presence of balding in the men of Scott’s family and no medical issues impacting the hair loss, a diagnosis of genetic male pattern baldness was given.

The best hair loss treatment for this condition was Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH® medical treatment program. The consultant explained how the program worked, the products Scott would receive and the hair growth results he would likely achieve.  Scott was excited; he could take the prescription and dietary tablets and apply the topical solution at home. His professional life kept him pretty busy most days so he would not have been able to commence a treatment that required multiple trips to a clinic every week.

After four months on the program, Scott attended the Ashley and Martin clinic for a progress checkup.  Photos were taken of the hair from the same angles as the ones taken in his initial appointment and both sets compared. Scott’s hair had increased in density in his troubled areas and he was now sporting a new hairline. Scott couldn’t have been happier and was now transferring this confidence into his sales pitch.





*name changed to protect privacy