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Case Study: Client’s grandmother puts an end to hair loss denial

February 24th, 2021 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Stephen* couldn’t stop grinning. He was sitting in the Ashley and Martin hair loss clinic, staring at his four month results on the screen – the before and after photos that were taken as part of his progress review – just smiling at the screen.

At 29 years old, Stephen had been in denial about the severity of his hair fall. It was his grandmother who had gently mentioned it to him. She was concerned about how badly Stephen’s hair was thinning around his temporal region and suggested that he should go and see ‘that mob that are always on the TV!’.

The ‘mob’ she was referring to was an Ashley and Martin Hair loss clinic. She had seen plenty of ads and figured they could help her grandson the way they had so many others. Stephen trusted his grandmother and knew that her words had come from a place of kindness, he also knew it to be true but had been ignoring the problem for nearly a year.

He booked an appointment online and was contacted by his local clinic for a free consultation where he was diagnosed with Norwood III Vertex hair loss and a 12 month RealGROWTH® treatment plan was recommended to halt the shedding and regrow his hair.

Stephen signed up on the same day. It was important to him that he went with a trusted medical centre where real doctors could supervise his treatment plan. He was asthmatic and didn’t want to take anything that may interfere with his other medications and he felt comfortable in the hands of the specialists.

So here he was; four months into his treatment plan and already he was seeing the results he had been hoping for…he couldn’t wait to tell his grandmother!

*name changed to protect privacy