Case study: Client’s barber amazed by ‘unexpected’ results
In the last three years, Ethan had noticed a significant change in the density of his hair, particularly around his frontal hairline and also on his crown. He had considered treatment but wasn’t sure if there was much point; the people around him seemed to be of the opinion that hair loss treatments were a waste of time and money. Even his barber was adamant that the only way to fix the problem would be to get a hair transplant…and so Ethan held off and his hair continued to thin.
After finding Ashley and Martin online and reading about the proven medical regrowth program Ethan decided to forget about the naysayers and made a call to the clinic. On examination of Ethan’s receding frontal hair line and the continued thinning up to the crown, the consultant diagnosed him with male pattern baldness, Norwood level III vertex. The friendly consultant advised him that he was the perfect candidate for the RealGROWTH® medical treatment program which had a 98 per cent success rate if adopted early enough.
With his barbers negative advice still ringing in his ears, Ethan went away to consider his options. The science made sense to him but he was still quite sceptical. Two week later he returned to commence the treatment…and he was so very glad that he did.
Four months into his home-based treatment plan, Ethan went back to the clinic for his progress assessment. His results were amazing; the recession in his temporal region was visibly reduced, his hair was growing back over his crown, and the overall density was greatly improved. Extremely satisfied with the results so far, Ethan told his consultant he had also been surprised by just how easy the routine to treat his own hair at home was – certainly much easier than planning an overseas trip for a hair transplant!
Before he left the clinic to continue on his hair growth journey, Ethan giggled and told his consultant that his barber – the one who had said hair loss treatments won’t work – was now wanting to visit Ashley and Martin himself to see if they could help him; not such a waste of time or money after all!

*name changed to protect privacy.