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Case study: Successful solutions for clients near and far

September 15th, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Living in the country, it’s not always easy or convenient to get into towns or cities, as was the case for Justin*. He had his first consultation at an Ashley and Martin hair loss clinic five years ago but didn’t take any action. His continuing hair loss prompted him to revisit the clinic where his consultant recommended that Justin signed up to the RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program. This multi-faceted program would provide intervention in the process that had contributed to his ongoing hair loss over the last five years, while encouraging and protecting new growth.

The RealGROWTH® program also allowed for Justin to be  given a treatment regime that meant he could treat his hair successfully from home…a huge benefit when the hair loss clinic is a two hour drive away.

Justin drove back to the clinic four months later for his scheduled review and check-up. He had diligently stuck to his home regime and could not have been happier with the result. His hair had thickened up beyond anything he had anticipated…he only wished that he had done it years ago.

*name changed to protect privacy