Case Study: Hair Regrown in Time for Wedding Photos with Ashley and Martin Treatment
Dave* was engaged to be married. Although he knew his partner loved him no matter whether he had hair or not, he wanted her to have the best wedding photos she could get. He had been thinking about getting treatment for the last three years and the wedding was just the prompt he needed to go online and find out more about getting help for his aggressive hair loss. Hoping for thicker hair for the big day, Dave came to Ashley and Martin.
Dave was unsure why he was losing his hair as he was not aware of anyone in his family who had also gone bald. A large bald spot had developed on his crown, his hairline had receded substantially and the hair that was left was thin and diffuse. At his initial consultation his consultant explained the reasons behind hair loss to Dave; he also gave Dave a realistic picture of what could be achieved using medical treatment for his advanced hair loss. Feeling that his consultant had been honest with him about what to expect and clear on exactly what was involved in the treatment, Dave signed up immediately.
Looking forward to seeing his consultant in four months to see the results he would get from the treatment, Dave went home to tell his partner about his decision. With his eyes on thicker hair for his wedding, Dave adhered to his program closely to give it the best chance of success.
His partner accompanied him to his progress check-up when he was due to return four months later. She had noticed the difference in his hair and wanted to see the comparison photos herself when they were taken. Both Dave and his new wife were thrilled with the amount of hair he had been able to regrow. And although she still loved him regardless of his hair, she understood the amount of self-esteem and confidence the treatment has given back to Dave and fully supported him in his ongoing treatment.
*name changed to protect privacy