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Case Study: Client Astounded by Ashley and Martin’s Treatment

July 5th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Ben* was fit and healthy. He lifted weights and enjoyed working out at the gym. The only thing about Ben that wasn’t in prime condition was his hair. Knowing how important his physical presentation was to him, a family member suggested he talk to someone about fixing his mid-level hair loss.

At a regular check up with his GP Ben asked if there was anything that could be done medically for his hair loss. The doctor recommended Ben speak to Ashley and Martin as we specialise in this area and he had heard good things about the treatment. Ben called Ashley and Martin shortly after and was delighted to find it would not cost him anything to see a consultant or the clinic doctor whether he went ahead with treatment or not. After meeting with his consultant Ben was excited to start treatment.

Ben started treatment straight away and as the weeks went by his partner and friends began to comment on the increase in his hair density. Ben knew his RealGROWTH® program was working but was looking forward to the perspective of seeing his original photos compared to the ones he would have taken at his first progress check-up. He felt it had thickened up a little through the front but wasn’t sure if it was impressive as his friends were saying.

His consultant brought Ben’s photos up alongside each other at his four month check-up. Although Ben had been aware of the improvement from what he had seen and the compliments he had received, Ben was surprised to see the vast difference between each shot. There was a dramatic difference in the coverage of his hair all over for such a short amount of time on the treatment. Ben walked away from this check-up astounded that he had been able to halt the genetic pattern that had caused his father to lose his hair.




*name changed to protect privacy