Case Study: Patient Gets His Confidence Back With Ashley and Martin
Marco was young, single and at a stage in his life where he was wanting to go out and meet people. Unfortunately, he had already been losing his hair for two years and his scalp was already visible through his thinning hair. This early onset of hair loss had rocked his confidence and he was extremely concerned he was going to go bald before he reached 30.
Marco knew the name Ashley and Martin from advertising he had seen and went online to find out more. After navigating through the Ashley and Martin website to learn as much as he could, he used the online contact form to request a call from the nearest clinic.
The consultant he met with discussed the causes of his hair loss with him and outlined the most effective method of regrowing hair. Marco’s uncle had a minor amount of hair loss with a widow’s peak, so the hair loss gene was active in Marco’s family. With no other impacting circumstances, Marco’s consultant diagnosed him with Androgenic Alopecia, better known as Male Pattern Hair Loss.
Having already thought about it for a year before coming to Ashley and Martin, the 26-year-old was ready to start treatment for his Norwood III vertex loss straight away. He booked an appointment with the clinic doctor and was provided with all the non-prescription items included in his program before leaving the clinic that day.
By the time his first progress photos were due to be taken, Marco was extremely happy with the early results of his program. He had already regained a great deal of his hair; revitalised follicles had led to new growth which had increased the density of his hair overall. And along with his hair, his confidence was beginning to return.
*name changed to protect privacy