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Case Study: Family Sees the Improvements After Just Twelve Weeks

February 5th, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Three months into treatment, Drew’s* family started to see the results of his RealGROWTH® program and finally began to show support for his decision to undertake medical hair loss treatment. Initially sceptical, it took more than good reviews and success statistics to convince them that the treatment would work. They needed proof. And sixteen weeks after Drew started his program, they had it. New hair was filling in the widening part line that radiated back from his left temporal recession and Drew’s hair was thicker and healthier than it had been in over a year.

Coming to Ashley and Martin, Drew had hoped to find a way to regrow hair to boost his confidence when entering the job market after Uni. Losing his hair as a 20 year old Uni student was concerning and he hoped something could be done to stop him losing his hair like his father had. The consultant had reassured him that he was not alone in feeling this way, and he had helped many young men who were not ready to go bald regrow their own hair. Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program was designed to slow his hair loss to a natural rate and reactivate dormant follicles in order to regrow his hair and stop any more from falling out. Wanting to make a considered decision, Drew had gone away to think it over and returned two weeks later to enrol on a treatment program. From there, the rest had been history.

Ecstatic about the quick and impressive results he was seeing, it was hard to believe that just eighteen weeks previously he had been receiving a diagnosis of male pattern baldness at a level III vertex. And he was glad his family could finally see the reason he had chosen to go with a trusted medical clinic to resolve his hair loss rather than just accept baldness or use an unreliable off the shelf remedy.

*name changed to protect privacy