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Case Study: Comparison Photos Highlight Regrowth at Ashley and Martin Review

April 26th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

For the last four years, Madhup* had been watching his hair continually decrease. He was now left with a sparse covering from his frontal hair line to his crown. Not far out of his 20’s, Madhup felt that his advanced hair loss was making him look much older than his 32 years. After seeing an ad for Ashley and Martin on TV, Madhup called to book his free consultation.

After taking background information and conducting a scalp examination, the consultant diagnosed Madhup with Norwood IV androgenic alopecia. The consultant then explained how the complementary therapies included in the RealGROWTH® program would work together to address not only the outward effects of his hair loss, but the process causing his hair to miniaturise and fall out. Both prescription and herbal tablets would be used to halt the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone; topical solution would stimulate keratin production and allow more nutrients to reach the hair bulb; and specialised scalp cleansers would create an environment conducive to new hair growth.

Happy that this comprehensive program would take address the problem as a whole, rather than trying to regrow hair while the genetic process causing the loss was still in effect, Madhup signed up for a RealGROWTH® program.

Madhup and his wife were both over the moon with the changes that took place rapidly over the coming sixteen weeks. At first, there had been no visible regrowth, but Madhup noticed his hair fall decrease to a more natural rate. Following this, fine, new hairs began to appear, thickening up his existing hair and filling in the balding patches. And now, four months after beginning treatment, Madhup was looking at his progress photos at his first Ashley and Martin Review. It was astounding to see these photos side by side. Although it had been obvious to both Madhup and his wife that his hair was regrowing, these comparison photos really brought home just how far he had come in such a short time.






*name changed to protect privacy