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Case Study: Client’s Partner Sees Results From Ashley and Martin’s Treatment In Under Twelve Weeks

October 18th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Harikiran* had just turned 30 and he felt his hair loss was making him look old. No one else in his family had lost their hair and so, a few months after he began to give treatment serious consideration, Harikiran contacted Ashley and Martin. He had heard about Ashley and Martin on the television and decided to find out more online. It was quick and easy to fill in the short enquiry form on the Ashley and Martin website; he hit submit and then forgot all about it until he received a call back the next morning.

Attending his initial consultation, Harikiran told his consultant that he had been losing his hair for almost four years. The consultant conducted a scalp examination and saw that Harikiran was suffering from dandruff as well as Norwood level III Male Pattern Hair Loss. It was noted that Harikiran still had a substantial number of viable vellus hairs in his recessive temporal region and amongst his thinning hair.

The consultant explained why he was losing his hair and that the hair loss gene could sit dormant within the family line for generations or have even started with Harikiran. The cause and level of hair loss that Harikiran was suffering from made him a prime candidate for the RealGROWTH® medications program. This combination of topical, oral and laser therapies that would work together to re-establish a healthy hair growth cycle were offered as an effective course of treatment to Harikiran. Harikiran enrolled immediately and booked and appointment to see the clinic GP.

Harikiran had not been on his RealGROWTH® program for more than twelve weeks before his girlfriend began to notice the improvement in his hair. And after four months Harikiran came to the clinic for an Ashley and Martin Review to assess his progress. He reported that he was finding the program easy to follow and felt happy with the results he was seeing so far. Seeing the new photos his consultant took alongside his original photos made Harikiran smile. It was astounding to see how far he had come in just sixteen weeks.






*name changed to protect privacy