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Case Study: Client Cannot Tell He Was Ever Losing Hair Thanks To Ashley and Martin Treatment

January 12th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

A short six months before attending his first appointment at an Ashley and Martin hair loss clinic, Anders* first noticed his hair beginning to thin on his crown. Photos of the 24 year old from behind showed a small thinning patch gradually getting larger as time moved on. Wanting to nip the problem in the bud before it got any worse, Anders went online to research the best hair loss treatment available to him and find a hair loss doctor to help. Using Ashley and Martin’s online enquiry form to book his first appointment, Anders took the first step towards hair regrowth.

Asking about his family history of hair loss, Anders told his consultant his grandfather had lost his hair. No other questions aimed at locating the root cause of Anders’ hair loss uncovered anything other than his genetic predisposition to the condition. A scalp examination confirmed the diagnosis of male pattern hair Loss in its early, Norwood level II, stages.

Anders signed up for a RealGROWTH® program after his consultant explained how the medical treatment plan would address his hair loss. He liked that it was a comprehensive approach and his consultant clearly understood the biological process behind the loss. His hair was only just beginning to show the signs of a balding patch and he was thrilled with the expected outcome of his program.

Although he did attend regular Low Level Laser Therapy appointments at the hair loss clinic, he was conscientious in his use of the other hair loss products. Within sixteen weeks Anders’ concerns about the impact his hair loss was having on his appearance had disappeared. His hair had already increased in density so much that no one could tell that he had ever suffered from male pattern hair loss.






*name changed to protect privacy