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Case Study: Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH Treatment Addresses Client’s Hair Loss

July 19th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Mark* had been on his RealGROWTH® program for eight months before he was able to find the time to visit his consultant for a progress check-up.  However, that did not diminish how happy he was with the success of his program.  His friends at work had been commenting on how great his hair was looking and wanted to know what he was doing to create such a change.

Ten months earlier the 32 year old had gone online to find out about Ashley and Martin after seeing our adverts during the footy.  He had been thinking about seeking treatment for a couple of months.  After booking an appointment using our online enquiry system Mark came in to find out if the last five years of damage could be reversed.  He had already tried an over the counter remedy from his chemist but had not seen any difference in his thinning hair.

During his consultation he expressed concerns about his bald spot making him looking older than he really was.  He had received a few comments and jokes at his expense and ‘old man’ was not the image he wanted to project.  The consultant performed a scalp examination and Mark was diagnosed with Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood IV.  The consultant offered Mark a RealGROWTH® program as the most effective way to treat his hair.  With this program he would be under the direct care of the clinic Doctor as well as the consultant; the specially formulated program would treat all aspects of Mark’s hair loss.  Mark wanted time to think the decision over and went home without commencing treatment.  Two months later he called his consultant, he was now ready to begin a RealGROWTH® program.

Now, having seen the improvement his treatment with Ashley and Martin had made, Mark did not regret for one moment having made the call to start addressing his hair loss.




*name changed to protect privacy