Case Study: Ashley and Martin Improves Hair Loss for Uni Student
Twelve months before coming to Ashley and Martin Jason* had begun to notice his hair falling out, becoming sparse all over. He was also suffering from an embarrassing flaky scalp. Anxious about standing out from his friends and other classmates at Uni as the only one with thinning hair at such a young age Jason aged 25 considered the idea of seeking treatment over for 6 months before coming to Ashley and Martin. With a supportive family network who understood the extra stress this hair loss was causing him, Jason made the call to Ashley and Martin.
Diagnosed with Male Pattern Hairloss by a consultant at his initial appointment, Jason asked what could be done about his thinning hair. As Jason had come to Ashley and Martin so early in the hair loss process his consultant was confident Jason could regrow his own hair, increasing hair density all over his scalp. Discussing the role of dihydro-testosterone (DHT) in Jason’s hair loss and the medical interventions currently available to combat the production of this hormone a full RealGROWTH™ medications program was recommended to block production of DHT, revitalise his underactive hair follicles and improve his overall hair health.
A doctor’s appointment was made for a preliminary check-up to make sure Jason was in good health and suitable for treatment as well as to have his medications prescribed. Able to start his program straight away Jason looked forward to seeing his own hair begin to regrow.
When Jason returned to see his consultant for his 4 month check-up there was no doubt about the success of his program. Not only was his scalp no longer visible through his hair but his dandruff, which had previously left large flakes of skin in his dark hair and on his clothes, had cleared up. With exams at Uni coming up, this was one less stress Jason had to deal with and he was extremely happy with the exceptional results he had gained on the RealGROWTH® program.
*name changed for privacy reasons.