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Case Study: Ashley and Martin Hair Loss Photos Confirm Success

December 23rd, 2015 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Cody* was unsure exactly how many years he had been losing his hair for, but it had been weighing on his mind enough to be considering finding a solution for about 12 months.  Concerned about his appearance as he worked in a professional environment, Cody went online and entered his details on the Ashley and Martin website for a representative to call him back.

Cody received a call back shortly after submitting the online form and booked an appointment at a convenient time to come and speak to a consultant about what could be done to help him.  Cody’s consultant could see he had been losing his hair for about 2 – 3 years. The pattern in which his hair was thinning together with the genetic factor of both his father and brother also having lost their hair led to a diagnosis of Male Pattern Hair Loss.  Cody discussed the medications used in the RealGROWTH® program and Ashley and Martin’s high success rate with his consultant and decided he would like to go ahead with treatment.  His consultant booked him an appointment to see the clinic doctor after taking an initial set of photographs to refer back to in later months to assess the success of Cody’s program.

Watching his hair closely for any changes during the preliminary stages of his program, Cody was unsure if any regrowth had actually happened and expressed his concerns to his consultant at his 4 month check-up.  He thought his hair felt as if it were thicker but was not overly confident that any visible changes had taken place.  Cody’s consultant took another set of photos and put them up on the computer screen for him to compare side by side and make that judgement for himself.  Cody could see immediately that his hair had unquestionably become thicker all over.  Furthermore he was ecstatic to see the hairline along his parietal ridge and temples had moved forward with all the new hair growth.

*name changed for privacy reasons
