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Case Study: Ashley and Martin Client Sees Hair Loss Improvements Day by Day

March 10th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Jim* was in the business of meeting new people every day for work and, to him, the loss of confidence that accompanied his loss of hair was impacting how he felt at work.   Thirty-four years old and married, Jim had started losing his hair almost 5 years previously.  For the past 2 years he had been speaking to his wife about the idea of getting treatment for his hair loss.  Knowing how much it meant to him and the effect his hair loss was having on his self-confidence, Jim’s wife was supportive of her husband’s need to get treatment.

With his wife’s encouragement Jim submitted an internet enquiry on the Ashley and Martin website and within 24 hours received a call back from a representative at his nearest clinic.  He briefly discussed his situation and consequently made an appointment to attend the clinic to speak to a consultant.  Jim’s consultant examined his hair loss, the diffuse hair across the crown and front of his head pointed to a diagnosis of Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood Va.  Physically healthy with enough good quality hair follicles still left, Jim was an excellent candidate for a medications plan.  His consultant advised using topical RealGROWTH® solution, oral anti-androgens, herbal supplements and laser treatments as the most effective way to regrow Jim’s own hair.  After careful deliberation having asked all the questions he had, decided to go ahead with treatment and enrolled on a RealGROWTH® program on the spot.

Using his medications regularly but unable to attend the clinic to take advantage of the laser treatments included in his program, Jim could see the improvements he was gaining day by day.  Attending the clinic 16 weeks after beginning his program for a progress check-up Jim was able to look at his original photos compared to ones taken on the day.  Seeing the contrast in the photos brought the success of the program home to Jim.  Both he and his wife were extremely happy with the early results of his RealGROWTH® program.


*name changed for privacy reasons