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Ashley and Martin Client Sceptical of Hair Loss Treatments Assisted to Regrow Hair

February 12th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Hugh* was sceptical of hair loss treatments. He had tried to regrow hair he had lost by using over the counter hair regrowth products purchased at the chemist. Unfortunately this had not produced any results for him and his hair had continued to thin.

Keen to improve the way he looked, Hugh went online to look for a hair loss specialist. The Ashely and Martin website provided everything he needed, and after learning about the causes of hair loss in men, he filled in the short contact form to request a free consultation.

The onset of Hugh’s rapid hair loss had started when he was 29 years old. In the past year, his hair density had decreased significantly and his consultant placed his hair loss at a level IV on the Norwood Hair Loss Scale.

The consultant recommended Hugh use the comprehensive approach of topical solution, oral anti-androgens and herbal supplements. Together with the herbal supplements, these prescription medications would work to slow the shedding he was experiencing, prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT and create a healthy environment for his hair to regain its former density. Unhappy with the way his hair loss made him look, Hugh signed up for a RealGROWTH® treatment plan.

After diligently following his treatment program for four months, Hugh met with his consultant for his first Ashley and Martin Review. At this appointment his consultant took photos of Hugh’s hair and compared them to the photos that had been taken in his initial appointment. Together they assessed the success of Hugh’s program to date. Seeing the amount of new hair he had grown, Hugh was thrilled that Ashley and Martin could deliver what the hair loss solution he had purchased at the chemist had been unable to.






*name changed to protect privacy