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Ashley and Martin RealGROWTH Program Surpasses Over the Counter Products

May 30th, 2018 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

At a glance Ben* appeared to have an impressive head of hair however, upon closer inspection it was a different story. Ben’s crown was thinning and he had a deep hairline recession; at 21 he was wearing his hair longer to hide the loss. He had tried over the counter remedies available at the chemist but these did nothing to help his thinning hair. Ben started to search the internet for a solution, his mother had suffered with hair line recession and at such a young age he didn’t want the same insecurities that she had.

Ben informed his consultant during his free consultation his hair had been thinning over a two year period but more so over the last six months. A scalp examination was performed and Ben’s consultant confirmed the hair loss was genetic as Ben had suspected. Discussing how the RealGROWTH® program worked Ben was reassured Ashley and Martin would be able to help him regain his lost hair.

Keen to make a start Ben was slotted in to see the clinic hair loss doctor to discuss his medical history and have prescriptions written. Ben then left the clinic armed with the medication issued by the doctor and the non-prescription hair loss products to last him the entirety of his program. The topical solution would follow a few days later to his home address once compounded by the pharmacy.

Four months later, reviewing comparison photos at his first check-up Ben was thrilled with his results. He could see his crown now had a more even density along and there has been density improvement at the hairline too. Ben was feeling positive about his future, he was feeling confident about his hair and his family had noticed the difference. He had made the right decision in coming to Ashley and Martin, putting a stop to his hair loss before it was too late.





*name changed to protect privacy