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Case Study: Ashley and Martin Patient’s Mates Notice His Hair Regrowing

February 18th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Jackson* had been considering undergoing treatment for his hair loss for the past 12 months before making the decision to request a call from an Ashley & Martin representative via our website.  Jackson’s uncle had suffered from hair loss also and it had been 4 years since Jackson had first noticed his hair beginning to shed and thin out all over.   As a busy professional who works face to face with people all day, he considered his looks to be integral to his work life.

Jackson’s genetic hair loss was treatable using the Ashley & Martin RealGROWTH™ formula; after taking a family and medical history with the consultant and being presented with his options Jackson made the decision to go ahead with a full medications plan.  During his medical history he told his consultant that he had previously been diagnosed with low thyroid function by his GP and he discussed this with Ashley & Martin’s in house doctor when he attended his appointment.  His thyroid condition was not a problem in commencing treatment and Jackson started his program straight away.

Jackson came to his 4 month check-up excited to show his consultant the improvements in his hair that he had been seeing since starting on the treatment.  Looking at his comparison photos side by side the consultant agreed that Jackson’s hair density had significantly improved and she could see by the way his posture had changed that he was feeling more confident about the way he looked.  Jackson also mentioned that his mates had also noticed that his hair was rapidly regrowing in the 12 weeks that he had been on the program.



*name changed for privacy